Thursday, February 14, 2008

Balemtime's Day

There are certain days every elementary teacher dreads...the first days of school after a holiday break, the day before any holiday break, and Valentine's Day. 500 children running around, high on sugar and ready to hand you a High School Musical valentine card with their sticky-sweet germ hands. Gross.
I've been sick for almost a week. Children are to blame, I am sure of this. One of my younger boys asked me "Miss Jumpa, is you sick? Your face is red!" Another little boy interjects calmly, "Duh, dummy, her face is ALWAYS red."
My all-time favorite V-Day card was given to me today by one of my most hilarious 3rd grade boys.
He finished his work early so I told him to make a handmade card for someone. This really thrilled him and he went right to work. A few minutes later he handed me the card. "Here Miss Jumpa. This is for you."
My heart melted. I hugged him and told him how thoughtful he was. I should've known something was up when he ran back to his seat, (which, by the way, is in violation of Miss Jumpa's Art Safety Rules, but whatev), trying his darndest to suppress his snorting laughter. I opened the card and read the following (spelling corrected, naturally):
Violets are red
Roses are blue
Yo momma got a big head
And so do you.

Matta fact you whole family do, too!

Now, I know what you're thinking. Bull#$%%, Miss Jumpa, you made that up. But the point of this blog is to share the sheer brilliance of my students and the things they teach me. And it's all true. And, matta fact, we all do have pretty big heads. So at least he's observant.

Happy Balemtime's Day!


Blogger Blackhaired Barbie said...

There is NOTHING WRONG with having a big head.

1:31 AM  

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